Hidden Sketches
In Hidden Sketches, I decided to explore how the audience would react to being drawn in front of all of their peers while being face to face with the artist in close proximity. The set up was simple. I was seated on a chair facing the audience, and they were seated in rows facing me. I would call one member of the audience up at a time and proceed to draw a sketch of them without them being able to see the sketch. After the sketch was done, The audience member then stood behind me, being able to see the sketches of the other members of the audience in progress.
In Telephone my main goal was to create an environment that was enjoyable and light hearted for people. I seated the audience in a circle around me and whispered a set of phrases to them. The phrase would change throughout the circle until it finally came back to me, which I would write on the large piece of paper taped to the wall. After all of the phrases were written down, I brought out another large sheet of paper with the original phrases written down on it and then proceeded to grade the audience’s attempt at getting the phrases right.
Quarantine weekend
Quarantine weekend shows the toll that a pandemic can really have on someone. This was filmed over the course of a Saturday spent in quarantine, and is meant to be juxtaposed between a normal, fun-filled Saturday the was so normal just a few weeks before.

Margaret W. Carpenter Recreation Center Installation
This installation piece is meant to be installed in the lobby of the Margaret W. Carpenter Recreation Center in Thornton Colorado. The purpose of this piece is to demonstrate the three most important benefits that the recreation center offers to the town of Thornton, which are Recreation, Community, and History. These three pillars converge in the piece and it also serves as a kinetic and interactive installation for people to utilize to be active.